
Thanks for being concerned about Ilan. We will try to post updates, pictures, and other information often. If you have any specific questions, please post them in the comments or e-mail us.

- David, Jarone, and Michal

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


On Monday, Michal and I visited Ilan in the afternoon. Although he was a bit out of it earlier on he became more attentive as we paid more attention to him. Michal noticed that he looked slouched in his chair, so we decided to help him stretch. We lifted his arms up and down, and also out and in. It reminded us of a swimming motion, and we started describing the motion as though he were swimming the butterfly.

At each part of the stroke, we explained where he was in the water and how hard he had to push. As we started getting going, I think Ilan really began to focus. He seemed to be helping us my relaxing some of the stiffness in his arms, and his eyes were wide open with a fixed glare. We continued for a while, and then did some flutter and breaststroke "kicking," which I'm not sure if he liked as much. I think he most enjoyed us helping him visualize what he was doing.

- David

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